Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Meeting people

This area has a vast territory with many villages. All accessible via bus, car (4x4 preferred) or motorcycle (Moto-cross prefered). Since this part of SL is very hilly a lot of walking is required. Walking amidst lush tea estates, waterfalls, giant trees reminds one of the beauty bestowed upon the earth by the Creator. It is very easy to engage people in  conversation. They often utter expressions such as:
- "come in sit"
- " tell your message"
- " will you drink tea?"
- " come back ANYTIME"
- " wait, my relatives (usually next door) are coming to hear"
- " thank you " for visiting 
How different, from many who are often just too busy, abrupt,
unkind, unappreciative. You can talk to people regardless of what they are doing, washing clothes, dishes, painting their house, try doing that back home.

A coconut scraper made from a tea plant 
Circa ~1970ish ( as per owner ).

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